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511 vin rouge
          1. n-m. red wine
512 disque compact
          1. n-m. compact disc (CD)
513 base de données
          1. n. database
                base de données relationnelle - relational database
514 gros mots
          1. n. plural of gros mot
515 nom propre
          1. n-m. proper noun
516 battre de l'aile
          1. v. (figuratively) to go into decline, to wane (be in difficulty); to be on the rocks, on the skids
                Notre couple bat de l'aile.
517 péché originel
          1. n-m. (Christianity) original sin (the state of sin, present in each human at birth, that is a direct result of Adam's disobedience to God)
518 huile d'olive
          1. n-f. olive oil
519 baisser les bras
          1. v. (figuratively) to give up; to stop trying
520 courants électriques
          1. n. plural of courant électrique
521 troisième personne
          1. n-f. third person (all meanings)
522 chien de chasse
          1. n-m. a hound, hunting dog
523 laissez faire
          1. n-m. (rare) dated form of laisser-faire
          2. v. second-person plural present indicative of laisser faire
          3. v. second-person plural imperative of laisser faire
524 pour le coup
          1. adv. this time, this time round, in this case
          2. adv. (i, as intensifier) truly, actually, really; in fact
525 ministère public
          1. n-m. (legal) public prosecutor
526 mauvais sort
          1. n-m. curse (supernatural detriment)
527 il n'y a pas de quoi
          1. Phrase. don't mention it, not at all, think nothing of it, you're welcome
528 boîte de conserve
          1. n-f. can, tin (of food)
529 laps de temps
530 moteurs de recherche
          1. n. plural of moteur de recherche
531 niveau de vie
          1. n-m. standard of living
532 noblesse de robe
          1. n-f. In the Ancien Régime, a status of nobility due to one's office, such as that of a judge, an arbiter, etc.
533 grand magasin
          1. n-m. department store
534 à tort
          1. adv. wrongfully, unjustly; wrongly, mistakenly
                à tort ou à raison - rightly or wrongly
535 au voleur
          1. interj. stop thief!
536 filles de joie
          1. n. plural of fille de joie
537 à voix haute
          1. adv. aloud (loudly)
                penser à voix haute - to think out loud
538 confiance en soi
          1. n-f. self-confidence
539 emploi du temps
          1. n-m. timetable; schedule
540 tenir tête à
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