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541 noyau terrestre
          1. n-m. Earth's core
542 langue maternelle
          1. n-f. mother tongue
543 en catimini
          1. adv. secretly, on the sly
544 sans ménagement
          1. adv. bluntly, abruptly
545 volée de bois vert
          1. n-f. severe reprimand, often to correct an undesirable behaviour
          2. n-f. harsh criticism
546 deux paires
          1. n. (poker) two pair
547 procureurs du roi
          1. n. plural of procureur du roi
548 aux aguets
          1. adj. ready, attentive, alert
          2. adj. on the alert
549 de justesse
          1. adv. narrowly, only just; by the skin of one's teeth
550 peine capitale
          1. n-f. capital punishment (punishment by death)
551 femme de ménage
          1. n-f. cleaning lady, cleaning woman
552 cheville ouvrière
          1. n-f. linchpin (central cohesive source of stability and security)
553 première personne
          1. n-f. (grammar) first person (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is making the statement)
554 demi de mêlée
          1. n-m. (rugby) scrum-half
555 rédacteur en chef
          1. n-m. editor in chief, chief editor
556 viole d'amour
          1. n-f. (musical instruments) viola d'amore
557 au four
          1. adv. in the oven
          2. adj. baked (cooked in an oven)
558 comme d'habitude
          1. adv. as usual
                Comme d'habitude, je suis ivre et plein de pilules. - As usual, I'm drunk and full of pills.
559 en chaleur
          1. adj. (of a female) on heat (in estrus)
560 secrétaire général
          1. n-m. secretary general
561 je vous en prie
          1. Phrase. I beg you, I entreat you
          2. Phrase. please do, go ahead, be my guest
                —Puis-je fermer la porte ? —Je vous en prie ! - "Can I close the door?", "Please do!".
          3. Phrase. you're welcome (after being thanked)
562 appel d'air
          1. n-m. in-draught, air suction
          2. n-m. (figuratively) knock-on effect, domino effect, unintended consequence (be it good or bad)
563 mettre fin à
564 à ciel ouvert
          1. adj. open-air, alfresco
          2. adj. (figurative) transparent, unhidden, open
565 moulin à vent
          1. n-m. windmill (structure)
566 voie ferrée
          1. n-f. (rail transport) railroad track
567 chemin de croix
          1. n-m. Way of the Cross; Via Crucis
          2. n-m. (figuratively) painful, strenuous experience
568 tirs au but
          1. n. (plurale tantum) penalty shootout; penalties
569 deux points
          1. n. colon (punctuation mark)
570 vouloir dire
          1. v. to mean; to signify
                Que veut dire cette locution ? - What does this locution mean?
                Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ? - What does that mean?
                Ça ne veut rien dire. - It doesn't mean anything; It doesn't prove anything
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