571 |
point d'exclamation |
1. n-m. exclamation mark, exclamation point |
572 |
faire état |
1. v. (indtr, de) to cite, to mention, to give an account |
2. v. (indtr, de) to give (something) some thought, to consider |
573 |
arbre généalogique |
1. n-m. family tree |
574 |
âge adulte |
1. n-m. majority, legal adulthood (age from which one is considered an adult) |
575 |
régler sur |
1. v. to adjust to |
2. v. to model oneself on |
576 |
boutons d'or |
1. n. plural of bouton d'or |
577 |
faux pas |
1. n-m. stumble, misstep, false step |
2. n-m. (figuratively) faux pas, blunder |
578 |
code génétique |
1. n-m. genetic code (the set of rules by which the sequence of bases in DNA are translated into the amino acid sequence of proteins) |
579 |
casier judiciaire |
1. n-m. criminal record, rap sheet (a record of past crimes) |
580 |
de pire en pire |
1. adv. (informal) worse and worse |
Sa dépression, c'est de pire en pire. - This depression is getting worse and worse. |
581 |
moyenne harmonique |
1. n-f. (mathematics) harmonic mean (type of average) |
582 |
jouer avec le feu |
1. v. (figuratively) to play with fire |
583 |
opéra comique |
1. n-m. opéra comique |
584 |
ça va |
1. interj. (as a question) how are you? how's it going? how are things? |
2. interj. (as a response) things are going fine |
- Ça va ?- Oui, ça va bien. - How's it going? - It's going fine. |
3. interj. (informal) OK, all right, sure, sure thing, sounds good, that's fine, that works for me |
585 |
mal de tête |
1. n-m. headache |
586 |
dormir comme un loir |
1. v. (simile) sleep like a log |
587 |
au revoir |
1. interj. goodbye |
588 |
café au lait |
1. n-m. white coffee |
Deux cafés au lait, s'il vous plait. |
2. adj. Light brown |
Une peau café au lait. - A light brown skin. |
589 |
saint patron |
1. n-m. patron saint |
590 |
corps de ballet |
1. n-m. chorus line, ballet personnel |
591 |
mise en examen |
1. n-f. indictment |
592 |
bandes dessinées |
1. n. plural of bande dessinée |
593 |
mal de mer |
1. n-m. seasickness |
Lorsque nous voyageons en croisière, il a souvent le mal de mer. - When we travel on a cruise, he's often seasick. |
594 |
mal du pays |
1. n-m. homesickness |
Nous commençons à avoir le mal du pays. - We are beginning to feel (have) homesickness |
595 |
pulsion de mort |
1. n-f. death wish |
596 |
au bout du compte |
1. adv. all things considered, after all, in the end |
597 |
petit pont |
1. n-m. (soccer) nutmeg |
598 |
taux de mortalité |
1. n-m. death rate |
599 |
à la tâche |
1. adv. (of pay etc.) by the piece |
600 |
ligne d'arrivée |
1. n-f. finish line |