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631 filles du port
          1. n. plural of fille du port
632 éléments chimiques
          1. n. plural of élément chimique
633 boîte de nuit
          1. n-f. (colloquial) nightclub
634 livres d'or
          1. n. plural of livre d'or
635 au minimum
          1. adv. at least
                Au minimum deux mois seront nécessaires pour que tout rentre dans l'ordre. - At least two months will be necessary for everything to go back to normal.
636 par contumace
          1. adv. in absentia (while not present)
637 armée de terre
          1. n-f. (military) army
638 forces terrestres
          1. n. (military) ground forces, infantry
639 homme de Dieu
          1. n-m. a man of God, a godly man
          2. n-m. a minister
          3. n-m. a priest
640 qui a bu boira
          1. Proverb. (literally) Once a drunkard, always a drunkard; a person who has drunk will drink again
          2. Proverb. (figuratively) old habits die hard; a leopard cannot change its spots
641 machines à coudre
          1. n. plural of machine à coudre
642 femmes de chambre
          1. n. plural of femme de chambre
643 haute couture
          1. n-f. (fashion) haute couture, high fashion
644 étoile filante
          1. n-f. shooting star, falling star
645 argent de poche
          1. n-m. pocket money
646 violence conjugale
          1. n. domestic violence
          2. n. a specific act of domestic violence
647 femme de charge
          1. n-f. (dated) housekeeper
648 ficher le camp
          1. v. (informal) to get the hell out; to get out of here; to bugger off; to scarper
649 à la grecque
650 bonne nuit
          1. interj. good night (a phrase uttered upon a farewell)
651 jardin public
          1. n-m. public garden
652 à tue-tête
          1. adv. at the top of one's voice, at the top of one's lungs
653 bon enfant
          1. adj. good-natured, friendly
                une ambiance bon enfant - a friendly atmosphere.
          2. adj. (pejorative) Simple-minded, naive
654 guerres civiles
          1. n. plural of guerre civile
655 cinquante et un
          1. num. fifty-one
656 ligne de mire
          1. n-f. line of sight
657 homme de guerre
          1. n-m. a man of war, a military man
658 faire demi-tour
          1. v. to go back (or to drive back, etc.) before arriving to one's destination, or when there was no fixed destination
659 oiseau de passage
          1. n-m. migratory bird, bird of passage
          2. n-m. (figuratively) bird of passage (someone passing through a place and only staying for a short time)
660 pain blanc
          1. n-m. white bread
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