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661 point d'Angleterre
          1. n-m. Brussels lace
662 nom commun
          1. n-m. common noun
663 savoir gré
          1. v. (indtr, à, ;, .formal) to be grateful (to someone for something)
                Je vous saurais gré de bien vouloir me suivre. - Please follow me.
664 mètres cubes
          1. n. plural of mètre cube
665 en rang
          1. adv. in a row (consecutively)
666 haut de gamme
          1. adj. upscale, upmarket, high-end
667 comité exécutif
          1. n-m. (government, politics, Quebec) executive committee, the equivalent of the cabinet of ministers for a city government, serving the mayor
668 canne à sucre
          1. n-f. sugar cane (species of grass (Saccharum officinarum) whose sap is a source of sugar)
669 faire signe
          1. v. (indtr, à) to signal (to someone); to gesticulate; to indicate using gestures
          2. v. (informal, figurative) indtr, à to give someone a heads up, to let someone know
670 lieux de travail
          1. n. plural of lieu de travail
671 conditions de vie
672 à condition que
          1. conj. (fr-conjunction) (+ subjunctive)
          2. conj. provided that; on the condition that
673 à la différence de
          1. conj. as opposed to, unlike
674 cadrans solaires
          1. n. plural of cadran solaire
675 en berne
          1. adv. at half-mast (lowered position of a flag)
676 cartes postales
          1. n. plural of carte postale
677 cordon ombilical
          1. n-m. umbilical cord
678 montagnes russes
          1. n. rollercoaster (amusement ride)
                (holo, parc d'attractions)
          2. n. rollercoaster (any situation in which there are ups and downs or violent changes; hectic situation)
679 jeu d'enfant
          1. n-m. child's play (something very easy)
680 partis pris
          1. n. plural of parti pris
681 mettre en route
          1. v. to start, to turn on
          2. v. to set off, to set out
682 valoir la peine
          1. v. (indtr, de) to be worth the trouble; to be worth it; to be worthwhile
                Arrête de penser à cette fille. Elle n'en vaut pas la peine. - Stop thinking about this girl. She's not worth the trouble.
683 en lice
          1. adj. (figuratively) in the game, in the running
684 à l'abandon
          1. adj. derelict or dilapidated due to long-term neglect
685 à bras-le-corps
          1. adv. with both arms around someone's body, bodily
          2. adv. (figuratively) completely invested in resolving a problem, head-on
                prendre le problème à bras-le-corps - to grasp the nettle
686 centres commerciaux
          1. n. plural of centre commercial
687 second degré
          1. n-m. (figuratively) sense of irony, lack of seriousness; offbeat humour
                prendre au second degré - to not take something literally; to get the irony
688 ruban adhésif
          1. n-m. parcel tape, packing tape, box-sealing tape (for packets)
          2. n-m. (UK, Ireland, Australia, NZ) sellotape; (UK, AU) sticky tape; (US) Scotch tape; adhesive tape, office tape
689 donner suite à
690 à jeun
          1. prep. on an empty stomach
                être à jeun
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