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211 il ne fallait pas
          1. Phrase. you shouldn't have (said on receiving a gift)
212 à toute épreuve
          1. adj. bulletproof; rock solid (extremely resistant)
                avoir des nerfs à toute épreuve - to have nerves of steel
213 en tant que
          1. conj. in that, inasmuch as, insofar as
          2. prep. as (a)
                Il est ici en tant que touriste. - He's here as a tourist.
                Je travaille en tant qu'ethnologue. - I work as an ethnologist.
214 tout d'un coup
          1. adv. all of a sudden, all at once; suddenly; abruptly
215 dans le même temps
          1. adv. at the same time, at once, in the same breath, simultaneously
          2. adv. on the other hand, at the same time, then again
216 à plus
          1. interj. (informal) see you, later, laters
217 à jour
          1. adj. up-to-date, current
218 qu'est-ce qui
          1. pron. what (used as an interrogative for a subject)
                Qu'est-ce qui t'a frappé ? - What hit you?
                Qu'est-ce qui se passe ? - What's going on?
219 en attendant que
          1. conj. while
220 raison d'être
          1. n-f. raison d'être
221 tôt ou tard
          1. adv. sooner or later
                (parasyn, à un moment ou à un autre, un jour ou l'autre)
222 à bout
          1. adj. (informal) at the end of one's tether
                être à bout - to be at the end of one's tether
                Ma patience est à bout. - I've about had it (with you).
                Nous les poussons à bout. - We are pushing them to the limit.
223 vieille fille
          1. n-f. spinster, old maid
224 feu d'artifice
          1. n-m. firework
225 bonne femme
          1. n-f. informal usually ironic or endearing female equivalent of bonhomme: A woman, often elderly; an old wife
226 d'autant que
          1. conj. because of the fact that, since, as
227 pour l'heure
          1. adv. (literary) at the moment, for the time being
228 à la pointe
          1. adj. at the cutting edge, at the forefront
229 se cacher
230 pourquoi pas
          1. Phrase. why not? (negative question)
          2. Phrase. why not? (lacking objection)
231 état d'esprit
          1. n-m. state of mind (psychological state of someone's cognitive processes at a certain time; the condition or character of a person's thoughts or feelings)
          2. n-m. mindset (a way of thinking; an attitude or opinion, especially a habitual one)
232 forêt vierge
          1. n-f. botany synonym of forêt primaire, t=virgin forest
233 en feu
          1. adj. blazing, burning, alight, on fire
          2. adv. on fire, ablaze
234 nulle part
          1. adv. nowhere
                nulle part ailleurs - nowhere else
                Je ne l'ai vu nulle part. - I didn't see it anywhere.
235 ta mère
          1. interj. (pejorative, vulgar, offensive) your mom
236 à bas
          1. adv. down, downwards
          2. adv. (figuratively) down with, away with
                À bas le tyran ! (Down with the tyrant!)
237 faire savoir
          1. v. to inform, to let someone know
                Tu me faisais savoir tes secrets. - You let me know your secrets.
238 prendre en compte
          1. v. to take into account, to factor in
239 homme du monde
          1. n-m. man of the world (worldly man)
240 en colère
          1. adj. angry
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