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40 cette
     1. det. feminine singular of ce
41 on
     1. pron. (indefinite) one, people, you, someone (an unspecified individual)
           On ne peut pas pêcher ici - You can’t fish here
     2. pron. (personal, informal) we
           On s’est amusés. - We had fun.
42 ses
     1. det. his, her, its, their, one's (when referring to a plural noun)
           Alicia dîne chez ses parents. - Alicia is having dinner at her parents' house.
           Thomas a perdu ses clés. - Thomas has lost his keys.
           Tout le monde doit apporter ses documents. - Everyone needs to bring their documents.
43 tout
     1. adv. all
     2. det. all
     3. n-m. whole, entirety, total
           le tout
     4. pron. everything
44 y
     1. pron. there (at a place)
           Il est dans la maison. Il y est. - He is in the house. He is there.
     2. pron. there, thither (to there)
           Nous allons au Mexique. Nous y allons. - We are going to Mexico. We are going there.
     3. pron. Used as a pronoun to replace an adverbial phrase starting with à.
45 bien
     1. adj. good, all right, great
     2. adj. good looking, nice
     3. adv. well
           Ça va bien ? - It goes well?
           Il joue vraiment bien au football. - He plays soccer really well.
46 dit
     1. Participle. past participle of dire
           Il a dit son nom. - He said his name.
     2. Participle. (in names) Indicating a surname used as a family name.
     3. v. third-person singular present indicative of dire
     4. v. third-person singular past historic of dire
          1. v. to say, to tell
          2. v. (informal) to be of interest to, to interest +preo, à, someone
47 sans
     1. prep. without
           Je ne veux pas partir sans toi. - I cannot leave without you.
           Elle est partie sans parler à personne. - She left without talking to anyone.
48 ces
     1. det. plural of ce: these, those
49 mon
     1. det. (possessive) my (used to qualify masculine nouns and vowel-initial words regardless of gender)
           J'ai perdu mon chapeau. - I lost my hat.
           La décision a été prise pendant mon absence. - The decision was taken in my absence.
     2. det. Followed by rank, obligatory way of addressing a (male) superior officer within the military. (Folk etymology: military-specific short for "monsieur".)
50 aux
     1. contraction. Contraction of à + les ('to the' or 'of the')
          1. Notes. In Canada, à and a are not homophones, à a, a ɑː.
          2. prep. to (destination)
          3. prep. to (until)
          1. art. plural of le: the
          2. art. plural of la: the
          3. pron. plural of le: them
          4. pron. plural of la: them
     1. adv. where (interrogative)
           Où est la gare? - Where is the station?
           Où tu vas, là ? - Hey, where are you going?
           Comment savez-vous où j'habite ? - How do you know where I live?
     2. adv. where (relative pronoun)
52 mais
     1. conj. but, although
     2. interj. an expression of surprise, disbelief, or frustration roughly equivalent to the English well, or sometimes yeah
           Mais qu'est-ce que tu fais ? - What the heck are you doing?
     3. n. plural of mai
53 ou
     1. conj. or
     2. conj. either...or
           Ou il est fou ou il est bête. - Either he's mad or he's stupid.
54 deux
     1. num. two
55 fait
     1. n-m. fact
     2. v. third-person singular present indicative of faire
     3. Participle. past participle of faire
     4. adj. done
     5. adj. cut out
          1. v. to do
          2. v. to make
56 leur
     1. pron. (personal, indirect) (to) them
           Je leur ai donné un coup de main. - I gave them a hand.
     2. det. their
           Je peux voir leur maison d'ici. - I can see their house from here.
57 être
     1. v. to be
           Vous devez être plus clairs. - You must be clearer.
     2. v. (auxiliary) Used to form the perfect and pluperfect tense of (including all reflexive verbs)
           Après être allé au yoga, je suis rentré chez moi. - After having gone to yoga, I came back home.
     3. v. (semi-auxiliary) to be (Used to form the passive voice)
58 moi
     1. pron. me (first-person singular direct object pronoun)
     2. pron. to me (first-person singular indirect object pronoun)
     3. n-m. ego
59 faire
     1. v. to do
           faire la vaisselle - to do the washing-up.
           Qu'est-ce que tu fais ? - What are you doing?
           Fais pas ça. - Don't do that.
     2. v. to make
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