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French Phrase of the Day

en fin de compte


French > English
en fin de compte
     1. adv. ultimately, at the end of the day, when all is said and done
     2. adv. on second thought, all things considered
French > French
en fin de compte
     1. v. Tout bien considéré, après tout.
     2. v. Finalement.
     1. prep. in (used to indicate space, also see usage notes)
           J'habite en Angleterre. - I live in England.
     2. prep. to (indicates direction towards certain very large locations, see usage notes)
           Il est allé en France. - He went to France.
     3. prep. by (used to indicate means)
     1. n-f. end, close, finish
     2. n-f. end, end goal, objective, purpose
     3. adj. thin, fine
     4. adj. (Quebec) kind, nice
     1. prep. of (expresses belonging)
           Paris est la capitale de la France. - Paris is the capital of France.
     2. prep. of (used to express property or association)
           Œuvres de Fermat - Fermat’s Works
           Elle est la femme de mon ami. - She is my friend’s wife.
     1. n-m. account (bank or user account)
     2. n-m. count (the action of counting)
     3. v. first-person singular present of compter
     4. v. third-person singular present of compter
     5. v. second-person singular imperative of compter
          1. v. to count
          2. v. to reckon, allow
                Pour se rendre jusque là, il faut compter deux bonnes heures. - To get there, it takes two good hours.
          3. v. to include; to comprise, to consist of
                Je ne l'ai pas comptée dans le calcul. - I did not include it in the calculation.

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