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French Phrase of the Day

frapper un grand coup


French > English
frapper un grand coup
     1. v. make a splash, hit hard
French > French
frapper un grand coup
     1. v. (Figuré) Faire quelque tentative grave, périlleuse, décisive ; produire un effet considérable et décisif.
     1. v. to hit, to strike, to bash
           Il m'a frappé le bras. - He hit me on the arm.
     2. v. to knock (e.g. on a door)
     3. v. to bang (to get attention)
     4. v. (music) to beat time (as a conductor)
     1. art. an, a
     2. num. number box, fr
     3. num. one
     4. pron. one, someone
     5. n-m. one (the number or figure)
     1. adj. big, great, grand
     2. adj. tall
           Il est grand comment ? - How tall is he ?
     3. adj. grown up, big
           Quand je serai grande, je veux être astronaute. - When I grow up, I want to be an astronaut.
     1. n-m. blow, hit, strike
     2. n-m.          sound of the action
                   coup de tonnerre - crash of thunder
     3. n-m.          physical consequences of the action (marks)
                   marqué de coups - scratched

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