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French Sentence of the Day


Inscrivez votre nom dans le blanc en bas de la page.


Write your name in the blank at the bottom of the page.


     1. v. second-person plural present indicative of inscrire
     2. v. second-person plural imperative of inscrire
     1. det. (possessive) your, belonging to you (plural or formal)
     1. n-m. a name, especially a last name or family name
     2. n-m. a noun
     1. prep. (literal, figurative) in, inside (enclosed in a physical space, a group, a state)
     2. prep. to (indicates direction towards certain large subdivisions, see usage notes)
     3. prep. in, within (a longer period of time)
     4. prep. (with respect to time) during
     5. prep. out of, from
     6. prep. (metonymy) in; in the works of
     7. prep. (colloquial) (Used in dans les)
     8. n. plural of dan
     1. art. the (definite article)
     2. art. Used before abstract nouns; not translated in English.
     3. art. (before parts of the body) the; my, your, etc.
     4. art. (before units) a, an
     5. pron. (direct object) him, it
     6. pron. used to refer to something previously mentioned or implied; not translated in English
     1. adj. white color
     2. adj. blank, unused
     3. adj. (figurative, one's look) blank, without expression
     4. n-m. white (color)
     5. n-m. silence while in a dialog
     6. n-m. empty space, on a leaf of paper or in a form
     7. n-m. (informal) white wine
     8. n-m. white person, person with a white complexion
     9. n-m. albumen, egg white
     10. n-m. white meat
     11. n-m. correction fluid, whiteout, Tippex
     1. prep. in (used to indicate space, also see usage notes)
     2. prep. to (indicates direction towards certain very large locations, see usage notes)
     3. prep. by (used to indicate means)
     4. prep. as
     5. prep. at (used to describe an ability)
     6. prep. of, made of (used to describe composition)
     7. prep. in (during the following time (used for months and years))
     8. prep. (followed by a gerund) while
     9. prep. (followed by a gerund) by, in describing a way of getting something
     10. prep. in (used to describe color)
     11. prep. in (used to describe feelings)
     12. prep. in (as part of something)
     13. pron. (Used as the object of a verb to indicate an indefinite quantity; of it, of them. Replaces the partitive article (du, de la, etc.))
     14. pron. Adverbial preposition indicating movement away from a place already mentioned; from there, from it. Replaces the phrase de là or d’ici.
     1. adj. low
     2. adj. bass
     3. adv. low
     4. n-m. socks; stockings; feet
     5. n-m. lower end; bottom (of a thing)
     6. n-m. stocking
en bas
     1. adj. below, down below, downstairs
     2. adv. down, downhill, downstairs, in a downwards direction
     1. prep. of (expresses belonging)
     2. prep. of (used to express property or association)
     3. prep. from (used to indicate origin)
     4. prep. of (indicates an amount)
     5. prep. used attributively, often translated into English as a compound word
     6. prep. from (used to indicate the start of a time or range)
     7. prep. used after certain verbs before an infinitive, often translated into English as a gerund or an infinitive
     8. prep. by (indicates the amount of change)
     9. art. Used in the plural with prepositioned adjectives.
     10. art. Used in negated sentences with the grammatical object.
     11. n-f. abbreviation of dame
en bas de
     1. prep. at the bottom of
     1. art. the (definite article)
     2. pron. her, it (direct object)
     3. n-m. (music) la, the note 'A'
de la
     1. art. of the
     2. art. some; the feminine partitive article
     1. n-f. page (of a book, etc.)
     2. n-f. page, web page
     3. n-m. page, page boy

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