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French Sentence of the Day


J'ai pogné un rhume.


I caught a cold.


     1. pron. I
     1. v. first-person singular present indicative of avoir
     1. Participle. past participle of pogner
          1. v. (Quebec, Louisiana French, transitive) to catch
          2. v. (Quebec, Louisiana French, transitive) to grab, to grasp
          3. v. (Quebec, Louisiana French, slang) to seize
          4. v. (Quebec figuratively, impersonal verb) to be arrested or frozen (by a notion or emotion)
          5. v. (Quebec, slang) to surprise, to run into, to find out (someone in the act of wrongdoing, someone in hiding)
          6. v. (Quebec, transitive) to collide, to hit
          7. v. (Quebec, slang) to receive
          8. v. (Quebec, slang) to understand, (figuratively) to get (a joke)
          9. v. (Quebec, informal, intransitive) to catch on or become popular, to succeed
          10. v. (Quebec, slang) to seduce, to have success in interpersonal relationships
          11. v. (Quebec, informal, reflexive) to take or acquire something (for oneself)
          12. v. (Quebec, informal) to become stuck or jammed (of one object in another, used reflexively)
          13. v. (Quebec, slang) to argue, to quarrel (with someone), to butt heads (used either reflexively or with subject)
          14. v. (Quebec, slang) to make out, or to make love or have sex (used reflexively)
          15. v. (Louisiana French, slang) to fool
     1. art. an, a
     2. num. number box, fr
     3. num. one
     4. pron. one, someone
     5. n-m. one (the number or figure)
     1. n-m. cold (illness)

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