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French Word Search Game

for French phrases

Word Search puzzles are useful to help improve your word recognition, spelling and vocabulary. They make you keep the word in mind for better retention as you look for it in the grid. Using the provided meanings as clues, search for the appropriate French word in the grid. Circle the word by clicking on the first and last letters of the word.

Word Clues
1 1. adj. back
2 1. pron. his; hers; its
3 adv. once more, once again, in a different manner, on a new basis
4 1. adj. in fashion, fashionable
2. adj. à la mode de: according to the manner of, according to the taste of
5 adv. on foot
6 1. adj. all alone, alone, by oneself
3. adv. alone, all by oneself
7 adv. by horse; on horseback; riding
8 1. adj. local, from the neighbourhood, just down the street, just around the corner
3. adj. local, from around somewhere
9 1. adv. (colloquial) as a result
10 2. adj. good-looking, attractive
11 1. adv. that is, i.e.
2. adv. namely, to wit
3. adv. (informal) it remains to be seen
12 1. adv. right to the bottom
2. adv. (figuratively, often informal) all the way: totally; completely; entirely, throughout
13 1. adj. in danger, endangered
14 adj. luxurious
15 1. v. to place self in a place or state
2. v. to become
16 1. adv. at night
3. adj. (relational) night

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